Although the CMS Builder interface is fairly straight forward, most end users will benefit from the inclusion of a
comprehensive, easy to understand set of instructions.

This recipe contains the latest version of one that I offered to one of my clients. Hope you find it useful.

For my help page, I create a single record editor called "Help", with the default configuration of one text field for a
title and one WYSIWYG field for the help content.

This is displayed by a viewer called "help.php" that's styled to match the client's web site.

I've also been using the createPDF plugin to allow them to print a PDF of the latest updates to the manual.

You can restrict access to this page by surrounding your load viewer library call at the top of your viewer as in the
following example::

if (!defined('START_SESSION')) { define('START_SESSION', true); }
// load viewer library
... your load viewer library code...
if (!@$_SESSION['username']) { header("Location: http:/yourdomain.com/cmsAdmin/admin.php?redirectUrl=" .
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit; }

This one's a little long. You can download a zipped HTML document from:


Open the HTML document and modify the information to meet your needs.
NOTE: I've used "yourdomain.com" anywhere a domain is mentioned

When you're done revising, copy the code that's between the body tags.

Then open your "help" editor, click on the HTML icon on the WYSIWYG editor and paste the code into the HTML window.

Your viewer should display the sample help manual. Make any formatting adjustments necessary.

The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by InteractiveTools.com. Please contact Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.

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