For those of you that are looking for an easy to use and very flexible PHP based forms generator that supports google reCaptcha, and that offers lots of sophistication, you might want to look at the Forms Generator put together as a SourceForge project by Raymond Leung
I use this with Google recaptcha as a contact form on all my sites.
Forms are set up on line and downloaded to put up on your server. Forms can be modified any time and will support multiple uploads, reCaptcha, and other security measures. As of May 2010 the form also supports unlimited levels of dependent drop downs (If you choose “Canada” from the “countries” drop down menu, a list of Provinces will be displayed in another drop down. If you choose “United States” then a list of States will appear.)
Your form data is stored on Raymond’s server for a few days after it’s created, but after that you can still modify your form because all of your data is stored in the files that you download and then upload to your own server.
Your user name for admin access is the e-mail address in the form, so if you change the e-mail address, your user name will change. You can always find your current user name and password in the first few lines of the admin.php file code.
But... Nothing is perfect.
If you’re going to insert your form into your page using an iframe here are some hints.
In IE (even the latest version IE8) if you want your page background to show through an iframe, you’ll need to add allowtransparency=”true” to the iframe tag:
<iframe src="" width="450" height="425" frameborder="0" Allowtransparency="true"> </iframe>
And you’ll need to add background-color: transparent; to the body css of the file you’re including in the iframe. (in the case of formmail-maker, you'll find the css code in form.lib.php. See below.).
One Caveat: If you modify the form through the on-line interface and download the files again, you’ll have to make these changes again. This goes for the PayPal donation ID required to remove the copyright link as well.
To change the text color of your form labels, In FORM.PHP search for the CSS:
body{ font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 13px; color : #474747; background-color: transparent;
And change the color to suit your needs.
You can search for other “color” entries and customize your form even more.
ALSO… Based on some confusion about how captcha security works among people who were filling out the form, I made one change that you might want to include in the generator code.
In FORM.PHP Search for:
<li class='field_block' id='phpfmg_captcha_div'>
Change the entire <div> to:
<div class='col_label'><label class='form_field'>Security Code:</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label><br /><b>Copy The 4 Characters Into The Empty Box Below</b></label> <br /> </div><div class='col_field'> <?php phpfmg_show_captcha(); ?> </div>
You may also want to change “reload image” to” reload characters” for the captcha image. If you do, in FORM.LIB.PHP search for:
Reload PHP FormMail Generator Security Image
and change the text of the link and the color of the text to suit your needs.
If you’ve used this program before and had a problem with the $ character, it’s been fixed and should give you no more trouble. Raymond said that the revised captcha notation may also be included into the generator code in the future. Until then, if you modify the form through the on-line interface and download the files again, you’ll have to make this change again as well. _______________________________________________________
GOOGLE RECAPTCHA Only a few changes required to implement Google reCaptcha
In form.php, if you’ve changed the ‘phpfmg_captcha_div’ as I did:
Change this:
<li class='field_block' id='phpfmg_captcha_div'> <div class='col_label'> <label class='form_field'>Security Code: <label class='form_required' >*</label><b>Copy The 4 Characters Into The Empty Box Below</b></label></div> <div class='col_field'> <?php phpfmg_show_captcha(); ?> </div> </li>
With this (the original code):
<li class='field_block' id='phpfmg_captcha_div'> <div class='col_label'></div><div class='col_field'> <?php phpfmg_show_captcha(); ?> </div> </li>
Then in form.lib.php search for 'RECAP_SITE_KEY' and enter both the site key and secret key that you got when you registered your site on Google’s recaptcha page.
If you’d rather not allow hotlinking to your form, search for PHPFMG_ANTI_HOTLINKING and change it’s value to ‘Y’. (It's counter intuitive, but it's an anti hotlinking switch, so 'Y' turns off hotlinking)
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