Now it’s time to convert your “About Us” web page to work with CMS Builder.
Make a copy of your HTML page and change the file extension from .html to .php, then open the new .php page in your web page editor.
In your CMSB interface, click on the Admin tab on the CMS Builder main page and then on “Code Generator”. This is one of the most powerful and useful tools in CMS Builder. It allows you to copy and paste code snippets into your web page minimizing the need for retyping and the possibility for error.
Select the About Us” section from the pull down menu and click on the “Detail Page” radio button. Leave all of the other entries at their default settings and click on “Show Code”.
The first thing that you’ll want to change on your web page is the code above the <head> tag. Using copy and paste, replace all the code above the <head> tag on your web page with the code from the Code Generator that’s above the <head> tag.
Then, in the “Step 2 area” of the code generator code, locate the word “Title:”. The code that follows, including the less than and greater than sign will replace the text for Company Name on your web page. Don’t replace any of the formatting, just the text.
Repeat this for the code next to Street Address:, City:, State:, Zipcode:, Phone:, and Description:. Then save your new page and upload it to your server.
If you’ve done all the steps correctly, you should see your web page, exactly as you designed it.
If you get error, open the sample PHP page and compare the code with the code on your page. The most common mistakes are missing a less than “<”, or greater than “>” sign when copying and pasting, or missing some of the information above the <head> tag.
Now that you’ve succeeded in creating your first page, let’s move on to create the next one.
The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by Please contact
Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.