You can create a series of detailed pages that can be found on a listing page by using the approach below.

We’ll use the example of a simple image gallery that an organization can use to display images from it’s past

We’ll use galleryList.php as a template for a gallery list page

galleryList.php is set up to show the “title” for all past event records available, with links to that particular
event’s record.

We’ll use galleryDetail.php as a template for the image collections from the individual events held that year

Each Gallery record is in a multi record format with fields for a “title”, an “event description”, and up to 30
individual “images”. The images are set to limit uploads to a maximum size of 1000KB, to resize any images larger
than 800 x600 pixels, and to create thumbnails of no more than 275 pixels in their larger dimension.

If you want to keep the events of a single year (or group) on separate list pages, then you’ll want to create a
separate section editor for each year. You can set up the links to the list pages on a master links page or on a
navigation menu.

If you’re using this approach for a different application other than a straight ahead photo gallery, you can create
your first section editor and then make it a template in the section editor. Don’t forget to change the Search URL and
field names to match your new template’s values. And to change any image limitations as necessary.

Copying a sectioneditor.ini.php file from your on-line cmsAdmin/data/schema/ folder to your cmsAdmin/data/schemaPresets/
folder and it will show up in the “add section” pull down menu.

After creating a section editor for your project, you can make this section editor into a template, by:

Going to your on-line cmsAdmin/data/schema/ folder and downloading the new sectioneditor.ini.php file.

Opening the downloaded file in your web page editor.

To change the name that appears in the pull down list, change the “menuName” value in the first section of the new
sectioneditor.ini.php file.

Change any other “label” values to generic values if necessary. You’ll be changing these individually to suite
when you create your new section editors.

Upload your modified new sectioneditor.ini.php file to your cmsAdmin/data/schemaPresets/ folder and it will show up in
the “add section” pull down menu

To add a set of image galleries for a new year:

Create new section editor from the Gallery preset menu
change the Menu Name and Table Name as appropriate.
Modify Viewer URLS as appropriate.

Add a hidden field if appropriate and add neverRemove and hidden to show in the editor menu.

Create a new years list and details pages by replacing all the template year references with the new year.

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