Now let’s create the event detail page. Remember, this page contains only the event title, event dates and times, and
a long description of the event.

Go back to the main CMSB admin page and click on the Code Generator. Select the “Events” Section editor, but this
time click on the “Detail Page” radio button. Leave the default setting for everything else and click on “Show

Open your HTML detail page and replace the code before the <head> tag as before.

Then find the code after Title:, Date and Time:, and Long Description:, and replace the text in your page with the
appropriate PHP code.

And that’s it. Upload events.php and eventsdetails.php to your server and everything should work as planned. Again, if
you get any errors, compare the code of your PHP pages with the sample pages. Again, the most common mistakes are
missing a less than or greater than sign when copying and pasting, or missing some of the information above the <head>

Now that you understand the basics of CMSB, happy coding. If you’re stumped, look for an example here in the cookbook,
or visit the CMS Builder Forum at:

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