HELP FINALLY KILL IE6 (DOWN TO 1% OF USERS IN 2012) - Aug 11th, 2012

You can show an upgrade reminder to anyone still using IE6 with this simple code in the body of your viewer. Modify it
to suite your needs.

To change the IE version, just change the number.

You can also insert an lt to modify the limiting parameter to "less than" I.E.7 I.E: <!--[if lt IE 7]> or insert an lte
for "less than or equal to", or a gt for "greater than", or a gte for "greater than or equal to".

<!--[if IE 6]>
<h3 align="center" class="your_class">We've noticed that you're still using Internet Explorer 6, which is a very old
(2006) and outdated browser.</h3><h3 align="center" class="your_class">To enjoy a much richer surfing experience, you
might want to update to a more modern, <a
href=''><span class="your_class"><u>Internet
Explorer</u></span></a> or <a href='' target='_blank'><span
class="your_class"><u>Firefox</u></span></a> browser free of charge.</h3>

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