These are from the 3.55 lib/viewer-functions.php

list($records, $details) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'listings', // REQUIRED, error if not specified, tableName is prefixed with $TABLE_PREFIX
'where' => '', // optional, defaults to blank
'orderBy' => '', // optional, defaults to $_REQUEST['orderBy'], or table sort order
'limit' => '', // optional, defaults to blank
'offset' => '', // optional, defaults to blank (if set but no limit then limit is set to high
number as per mysql docs)
'perPage' => '', // optional, number of records to show per page
'pageNum' => '', // optional, page number to display defaults to $_REQUEST['page'] or 1
'allowSearch' => '', // optional, defaults to yes, adds search info from query string
'requireSearchMatch' => '', // optional, don't show any results unless search keyword submitted and matched
'requireSearchSuffix' => '', // optional, search fields must end in a suffix such as _match or _keyword,
original field=value match search is ignored
'loadUploads' => '', // optional, defaults to yes, loads upload array into upload field
'loadCreatedBy' => '', // optional, defaults to yes, adds createdBy. fields for created user
'loadListDetails' => '', // optional, defaults to yes, adds $details with prev/next page, etc info
'loadPseudoFields' => false, // optional, defaults to yes, adds additional fields for :text, :label,
:values, etc
'orWhere' => '', // optional, adding " OR ... " to end of where clause
'useSeoUrls' => false, // optional, use SEO urls, defaults to no

'leftJoin' => array( // Note: leftJoins require you to use fully qualified fieldnames in WHERE and ORDER
BY, such as tablename.fieldname
'grocery_aisle' => 'aisleNum', // foreign table => local field (that matches num in foreign table)
'brands' => 'brandNum',
'otherTable' => 'ON mainTable.foreignKey = foreignTable.num',

'ignoreHidden' => false, // don't hide records with hidden flag set
'ignorePublishDate' => false, // don't hide records with publishDate > now
'ignoreRemoveDate' => false, // don't hide records with removeDate < now
'includeDisabledAccounts' => true, // include records that were created by disabled accounts. See: Admin >
Section Editors > Advanced > Disabled Accounts

'addSelectExpr' => 'NOW() as _currentDate', // add expression to SELECT, useful for generating
pseudo-fields or calculated values
'groupBy' => '', // optional, defaults to blank
'having' => '', // optional, defaults to blank

'useCache' => true, // use cache - requires cache plugin
'debugSql' => false, // optional, display SQL query, defaults to no

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