While best practices dictate that a (perfect) site should throw no errors, reality dictates that almost every site will throw errors, and that some of those will not affect the site's operation.
With the inclusion of Global error logging in version 2.64, PHP errors, no matter how small, show bright red in the Admin section and may become an issue for some developer / client relationships.
Dave Edis, the senior programmer at Interactive Tools, offers this workaround (which, for now, will have to be manually added to any CMSB upgrades).
Note that it does not stop the logging of errors, it just hides them from the admin section until you're ready to deal with them.
he said
If you want to remove the menu link with some custom code you can do that as follows:
- Open /lib/menus/header_functions.php - Scroll to the bottom - Add the code:
array_pop($adminMenus); // remove "Error Log" from menu
'recordCount' => $errorCount, );
Like This:
// $errorCount = mysql_count('_error_log'); $adminMenus[] = array( 'menuType' => 'custom', 'menuName' => t('Error Log') . " ($errorCount)", // 'menuOrder' => ++$menuOrder, 'link' => '?menu=_error_log', 'isSelected' => ($menu == '_error_log'),
'tableName' => '_error_log', 'recordCount' => $errorCount, );
array_pop($adminMenus); // remove "Error Log" from menu // return $adminMenus;
The PHP array_pop() removes the last item off an array, so that line of code just removes the "Error Log" menu that was just added. Note that you'll still be able to directly access the log with admin.php?menu=_error_log All this code does is remove the menu link.
Don't' forget to safely copy your code before updating CMSB or it will be overwritten _________________________________________
Taking this one step further, I added a check box field called ("No Error Log") in a single record section (called "Organization Information"), that will show or remove the error log from the Admin menu
Building on the code above, my final now looks like this:
// $errorCount = mysql_count('_error_log'); $adminMenus[] = array( 'menuType' => 'custom', 'menuName' => t('Error Log') . " ($errorCount)", // 'menuOrder' => ++$menuOrder, 'link' => '?menu=_error_log', 'isSelected' => ($menu == '_error_log'),
'tableName' => '_error_log', 'recordCount' => $errorCount, ); ?> <?php $libraryPath = 'cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php'; $dirsToCheck = array('/path_to_your_server/','','../','../../','../../../'); foreach ($dirsToCheck as $dir) { if (@include_once("$dir$libraryPath")) { break; }} if (!function_exists('getRecords')) { die("Couldn't load viewer library, check filepath in sourcecode."); } list($organization_informationRecords, $organization_informationMetaData) = getRecords(array( 'tableName' => 'organization_information', 'where' => '', // load first record 'limit' => '1', )); $organization_informationRecord = @$organization_informationRecords[0]; // get first record ?>
<?php $no_error_log = 1 ?> <?php $no_error_log = $organization_informationRecord['no_error_log'] ?> <?php if ($no_error_log == 1 ):?> <?php array_pop($adminMenus); // remove "Error Log" from menu ?> <?php endif?> <?php
return $adminMenus; }