Here’s the basic code that lightbox requires:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<album lgPath="album1/images/" tnPath="album1/thumb/" title="Album title" description="Album description"
<img src="1.jpg" title="" caption="" link="" target="_blank" pause="" />
<img src="1.jpg" title="" caption="" link="" target="_blank" pause="" />
<img src="1.jpg" title="" caption="" link="" target="_blank" pause="" />
<img src="1.jpg" title="" caption="" link="" target="_blank" pause="" />
<img src="1.jpg" title="" caption="" link="" target="_blank" pause="" />


lgPath = path to the large version of the photos
tnPath = path to the thumbnails (or preview photo in case of video)
caption = this would show on mouseover of the image
link = if the image is clicked it would follow this link

The one thing CMS Builder doesn't do is put it's thumbnails in a different directory. It puts them in the same directory
and adds a _thumb extension. I've just used the main upload dir for both lgPath and tnPath.

Here's some code for a page viewer. Ideally you'd have a list viewer that would list albums and then you'd click through
to this one to display an album. You could also direct link to a specific album. This one assumes you have some fields
defined called: title, and description. Also you'll need to change the Table name and the require_once path to match
your server.

<?PHP echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";
$options = array(); $options['Table name'] = 'news';
$options['recordNum'] = '';
$options['where'] = '';
$record = getRecord($options);
<album lgPath="<?PHP echo $SETTINGS['uploadUrl']; ?>
tnPath="<?PHP echo $SETTINGS['uploadUrl']; ?>"
title="<?PHP echo htmlspecialchars($record['title']); ?>"
description="<?PHP echo htmlspecialchars($record['description']); ?>" tn="album1/preview.jpg">

<?PHP if ($record): ?>
<?PHP foreach (getUploads($options['Table name'], 'uploads', $record['num']) as $upload): ?>
<img src="<?PHP echo htmlspecialchars($upload['filename']); ?>"
title="<?PHP echo htmlspecialchars($upload['info1']); ?>"
caption="<?PHP echo htmlspecialchars($upload['info2']); ?>"
link="<?PHP echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>"
pause="" />
<?PHP endforeach ?>
<?PHP endif ?>

The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by Please contact Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.

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