CSS - This Acronym stand for Cascading Style Sheets. Styles are a series of instruction groups that specify how specific items should appear on a Web page.
“External” Style sheets are separate files that contain the styling information that determines what text, links, font sizes, borders, and other elements will look like across an entire web site.
Using these predefined styles is an easy way to standardize the “look” of a web site.
If you want to change the look of a particular type of item, say how links are displayed on your web pages, that styling information can be changed in one external style sheet and the item's appearance will automatically be changed on the entire web site.
DATABASE - This is a specially structured file that is used to store collections of information. CMS Builder stores information in a database that is located on your on-line server. Any type of information can be stored in a database. Images and other uploaded documents are not stored in the on-line database, however the information on where to find these documents is stored in the database records.
PUBLISH - When you modify the information in your database records using the CMS Builder interface, you’re working on an editing screen (called a section editor) that’s located on the computer you’re working on. When you save that information, you’re saving your changes to a record in your on-line database.
CMS Builder automatically publishes the information stored in the database to the location you’ve specified in the design of your web page.
RECORD - A database can store a great deal of information in a structured format. Each structured group of information is called a record. In some situations, the information in these records can be modified. When you add or revise information using the CMS Builder interface, that information is stored in a database record.
SECTION EDITORS - The interfaces that you create to manage the information in the various records in your database.
FIELD - This refers to a specific information entry area in a database record. It can be a single line (text field), or a multi-line field (text box), a date field, a check box, or other special information entry area types.
MENU - The set of fields within a Section Editor
SERVER - This refers to a computer at the company that supplies your web site hosting services that is always connected to the internet via a high capacity, high speed connection. When users log on to a web page from their home computer, the server “serves” or allows the home computer to download that web page, as well as any associated images and other files that are stored there.
For even more definitions, explore the Glossary on the Interactive Tools web site at:
The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by Please contact
Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.