SMALL BUG IN 2.13 - Nov 11th, 2011

Steve from found this one, and Damon Edis from Interactive Tools offered a temporary fix until the next
version is released.

In a single record editor only, when an admin tries to access the Code Generator using the Advanced Options drop down
menu at the bottom of the record, this bug sends you into the General Settings area instead.

This doesn't seem to affect multi-record editors and there are no issues with going straight to the Code Generator from
the Admin Section Editors area.

Here's the fix:

in the /cmsAdmin/lib/menus/default/edit.php file

On line 91 and 92 replace this:

if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) { $advancedCommands['Admin: Edit Section'] =
'?menu=database&action=editTable&tableName=' . urlencode($tableName); }
if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) { $advancedCommands['Admin: Code Generator'] =
'?menu=admin&action=generator&tableName=' . urlencode($tableName); }

with this:

if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) { $advancedCommands['Admin: Edit Section'] = '?menu=database&action=editTable&tableName='
. urlencode($tableName); }
if ($CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) { $advancedCommands['Admin:: Code Generator'] = '?menu=admin&action=generator&tableName='
. urlencode($tableName); }

Basically it is replacing "&" with just "&".

Thank you Steve

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