Backup & Restore - You can now backup & restore your MySQL database under: Admin > General Settings > Database Settings.
Backing up creates an .sql file in /data/backups/ and Restoring allows you to select a file from that directory to
restore. Backup your MySQL with another tool before testing this feature (or test it on a dev environment).
Note that to backup an entire site you'd want to first create a MySQL backup with the software, then download all the
files (including CMS Builder (with the backup file) and your uploads and viewer files).
New Menu Option - We added an option "Always Show Expanded Menu" under: Admin > General Settings > Advanced Settings. If
you don't have very many menu options and you want them to always show then you may prefer this.
Filepath changes - They've moved some things around. The only manual change you will have to make is to copy any custom
plugins from /lib/plugins/ to /plugins/ (and the program will remind you to do this if you forget). They've added a step
4 to the "how to upgrade.txt" that lists some files you can remove if desired:

4) Remove these files & folders if they exist:
/[cmsAdmin]/css/ui.css (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/style.css)
/[cmsAdmin]/css/ui_ie6.css (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/style_ie6.css)
/[cmsAdmin]/css/wysiwyg.css (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/lib/wysiwyg.css)
/[cmsAdmin]/images/ (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/lib/images/)
/[cmsAdmin]/tinymce3/ (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/3rdParty/tiny_mce/)
/[cmsAdmin]/lib/plugins/ (removed in v1.34 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/plugins/ *MOVE PLUGINS BEFORE REMOVING*)
/[cmsAdmin]/lib/menus/accounts/ (removed in v1.24 - no longer needed, merged with /lib/menus/default/)
/[cmsAdmin]/tinyMCE/ (removed in v1.06 - moved to /[cmsAdmin]/tinymce3/)

Here's what's changed:
- WYSIWYG: Added Spellchecker button to WYSIWYG editor (experimental) See the note below for WAMP users
- Viewers: Added pseudo-field *:text for checkboxes that displays checked or unchecked text. Example:
<?php echo $listingsRecord['your_checkbox_field:text'] ?>
- Special Fields: Creating 'showExpandedMenu' field in user accounts allows you to specify menu setting on a per user
- Section Editors: Added new option "Required Plugins" to Advanced tab of "Section Editors"
- Added extra error checking on upgrade for user added wysiwyg_custom.php files with old WYSIWYG paths
- Backup filenames now start with current hostname and end with .php to prevent downloading and provide additional
- Backup files now ignore 'table prefix' when backing up and restore using the table prefix of the current CMS
- Section Editors Table List: Fixed left padding so menu names that wrap are indented as expected
- Admin Menu: The maximum number of connections MySQL allows is now displayed under: General Settings > Server Info
- Default Data Support: Files named data/schema/sectionName.defaultSqlData.php are imported when new sections are
- Plugin System: Added actions for: admin_prelogin
- Section Editors: Fixed IE8 issue where Advanced Search/Simple Search links weren't working properly.
- Misc Changes
And more details on some of those items:
>WYSIWYG: Added Spellchecker button to WYSIWYG editor (experimental)
This will add a spellcheck button to the WYSIWYG. If you've setup a /lib/wysiwyg_custom.php file you'll need to update
it to include the new code from /lib/wysiwyg.php. Note: Spell checking requires some extra modules. Let me know if you
get any errors.
>Viewers: Added pseudo-field *:text for checkboxes that displays checked or unchecked text. Example:
This is useful if you want to display the checked/unchecked text for a checkbox instead of 0 or 1. Use
$record['yourField'] for if and comparison tests and $record['yourField:text'] when you want to display the text value.
>Backup filenames now start with current hostname and end with .sql.php to prevent downloading and provide additional
>Backup files now ignore 'table prefix' when backing up and restore using the table prefix of the current CMS
These changes are to make it easier to tell which backup files are from where and to move between CMSB installs that use
different table prefixes. Old .sql files can still be restored.
>Admin Menu: The maximum number of connections MySQL allows is now displayed under: General Settings > Server Info
This is the total number of simultaneous connections your MySQL server will accept. This will give you an idea of the
max capacity of your website.
>Default Data Support: Files named data/schema/sectionName.defaultSqlData.php are imported when new sections are

This is so we can bundle data with schema and template files. To create one of these files just name it after your
section and copy the sql for that section from a backup file to a .defaultSqlData.php file. When the section gets
created for the first time (after install or uploading a new schema file) the sql will be imported as well.
For anyone running WAMP on their local machine, to make the Spellchecker work, you just have to enable the PHP
extension: php_openssl

To do this:
1. click on the WAMP icon in your task bar
2. select PHP then PHP extensions
3. you should see a large list of extensions. Click php_openssl to enable it.
WAMP will reboot and the Spellchecker works!

The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by Please contact Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.

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