VERSION 2.52 - MARCH 18, 2013 - (SECURITY) - Aug 5th, 2013


- Sending Mail: Added support for SMTP authentication, unsecured, SSL secured, and TLS secured mail servers.

- Security: Added blacklist of top 10,000 common passwords. Found in /lib/login_password_blacklist.txt


- Programmers: Added "Export showMessage() PHP" option to Email Templates menu under Advanced Commands

- Programmers: sendMessage() now logs message headers

- Programmers: Added new function nullIfFalse()

- Viewers: getLastNumberInUrl() now automatically ignores facebook added url data, eg: fb_source, fb_action_ids, etc

- Usability: Whitespace is removed from beginning and end of username and password on login (to prevent copy and paste

- Usability: Passwords that start or end with whitespace are no longer allowed.

- Security: Added plugin filter login_newPasswordErrors to allow custom validation rules for new passwords

- Plugins: Section Editors > Advanced (tab) > Required Plugins, now only requires plugin filenames match (in case users
rename plugin folders)

- Editors: Checkbox field descriptions can now contain PHP code


- Sending Mail: Added Swift Mailer v4.30 - Mailing library

- PHP Sessions: Added workaround to prevent PHP from creating 0-byte files in session folder

- CMS Preview: Fixed error "You don't have permissions to access this menu."

- Fixed loading problem when there were more than two chained selects on a section edit page.

- Fixed date field year range bug with modifying blank dates

- View Menus: Fixed bug where list values showed instead of labels when loading from another table

- Previously saved search keywords and sort orders are cleared on CMS logout

- Misc Code and other minor improvements

The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by Please contact Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.

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