The easiest way to begin using CMS Builder is to design your page using standard HTML and CSS first. Then list the areas
that you’d like to allow CMSB to control, and those areas that you want hard coded into your design.

Once that’s done, you should look for similarities in the design. (A list of identical entries that all have a title,
a description and an image associated with them, etc.)

HINT: If you know that you are going to show many items with a similar structure, you should enter at least enough of
them to show the basic layout of your page, like the table structure, etc.

Once that’s done, you can start to think about the format that you can use to store and retrieve that information.
Here are 2 examples that will illustrate the process. We’ll be designing an “About Us” page using a single record
section editor and then create an “Events” page using a multi record section editor.

We suggest that you create your own pages for this exercise from scratch, using your favorite text or html editor.

If you download our sample pages from:


you’ll be able to troubleshoot the process by comparing our results to yours.

The materials on this web site have been created for use with CMS Builder content management software. CMS Builder software is published and licensed for use by InteractiveTools.com. Please contact Interactive Tools for information on the downloading of the software or the purchasing of licenses.

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