WHO STOLE MY ZEROS? - Aug 3rd, 2010

User Perchpole was concerned by how zeros were displayed on a viewer page. He said: “I'm using a record to perform a
calculation that generates a simple product shipping cost. The calculation is the product weight multiplied by a fixed
number. Something like this:

<?php echo $record['weight'] * 5 ?>

Although this works fine in practice (and can be used in systems like Paypal, etc.) the figures don't look right.

For example, instead of £2.50 what you see is £2.5!

Instead of £7.00 all you get is £7.

Simple question: How do I rework the code to display the missing zeros?!

Dave Edis from Interactive tools came to the rescue. He answered:

“Try this:

<?php echo number_format($record['weight'] * 5, 2) ?>

The ", 2" tells it to _always_ show 2 decimals, even then they're 00. This will also add thousands separators. So one
million will display like this: 1,000,000.00

So simple when you know how...

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